RETURN POLICY for ProRock Climbing online store
Last Updated: 24.07.2023
Return or exchange
If you change your mind, you can always return a product or exchange it within 30 days of delivery. Products you wish to return or exchange must not be worn, washed, damaged or alternated in any way and they must have all their original labels.
Shipping of products to return or exchange
We suggest you return products in our original ProRock Climbing box. You may return your order or exchange it using either your national post or express courier. The cost of shipment in that case is covered by a customer. Please be kind to prepare the package as accurately as possible to protect it against damages during transport.
Please, use the address below for returning or exchanging products:
Ceramit - ProRock Climbing
Łukasz Pasierbek
ul. Św. Floriana 11
34-113 Tłuczań
The refund is made within 3 working days of receiving products onto a customer's account upon the restrictions concerning conditions of products which are being returned or exchanged stated in the first paragraph.
A return / exchange form
Our customers do not need to fill in any paper return form or a complex on-line one !
You may inform us about a return via a simple notification of return available on your customer's account in our on-line store.
You may also use an e-mail both for a return or exchange procedure enclosing the data below. Importantly, a return or exchange e-mail or a notification of return should be sent to us within 30 days of delivery.
First name: |
Surname: |
Order number: |
Account number: if you want to use an account number other than used initially, please let us know! |